
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Start of The Story..

Almost fifty years ago there is a 55 year old man with a 28 year old wife. at this time they have 5 children who are living with them and 2, a little boy and a tiny girl that have have gone to be with GOD.
the man was told after the last child died that any more children would almost certainly kill his young wife . so she has her tubes cut and tied when they were repairing the damage done to her body after this child was born dead. and the story goes that a crusty old surgeon told the man to
"keep your pritches zipped before you kill this woman"
He didnt.
and approximately a year later she is expecting again. so what happened to her tubes being cut and tied. the same question was asked by these parents and if an answer was given, it was either not heard or not believed. they are told that the baby must be taken or both the mother and the child will likely die. for what ever the reason this does not happen
the doctors prescribes to this mother, what we now refer to as speed. this to help keep her weight gain down in an effort either to help her and the baby survive or to keep her looking good... i dont know the answer for sure
you must remember at this time doctors still smoked in their offices while they were examining patients, who were allowed to smoke in the office...
think what a few generations from now will think of us for letting kids watch violence all the time, and putting more faith in the remote control than in God ..
so we have a 28 year old mother with 5 children, on speed, who is not supposed to be pregant, but is. and doctors who smoke..
(time for a break. the story will continue.............

Friday, December 03, 2004

A Merry Heart Doeth Good as A Medicine.. / Proverbs 17:22..

As a Man it is Very Hard to ? ops i should say it is hard for me.. To Find
A Balance Between being Merry and Acting like an Idiot.

This Is Not The Beginning Of The Story But i Fell That It needed To Be Said This Morning. /

As I get The Hang of This More Will Come And Hopefully In A Manner that Both Expresses and

Thursday, December 02, 2004

My First Post/ Or what the heck am i doing.

If You Read My Profile You will Get an idea About Where I'm Going With This./ OR NOT

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